Award in Wines
What Will I Learn?

Unit 1
The key factors in the production of wine: location, grape growing, winemaking, maturation and bottling
How these key factors influence the key characteristics of the principal
still wines of the world
sparkling wines of the world
fortified wines of the world
How to apply your understanding to explain wine style and quality
Unit 2
How to taste wines, describe their characteristics and evaluate their quality, using the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine® (SAT)
This course builds on the knowledge from L2. There is much more to study especially in viticulture and winemaking and there is more to apply to the wine regions.
It is a rigorous course and a dedication to smart private study in addition to the classes is paramount.
And we will support you all along the way!
How Long Is The Course?
The total study time of the 15 sessions with Rebecca is 30 hours
In addition (optional and included) is 18 hours of live revision with Rebecca
You are also expected to undertake private study for an average of 54 hours
The examination is an additional 2.5 hours
Total qualification time is 86.5 hours
What Do I Need To Bring With Me?
The price of the course includes all tuition with Rebecca, The WSET L3 Award in Wines Study Pack, and a Paper Exam.
A WSET Certificate and Pin is also awarded to those who pass the exam
You will need to bring your study pack to each session
Rebecca can also organise The RLWS recommended 12 bottle case for £175 (approx) from The Wine Reserve thewinereserve.co.uk​
How Do I Take The Exam?
The exam at the end of your course is split into two parts:
- a tasting exam of two still wines (a red and a white)
- a two hour theory exam including 50 multiple choice questions and a Short Answer Paper
This exam can only be take in person currently.
A mark of 55% is required in each part of the exam.
Average marks over 80% (assuming no individual paper is below 65%) achieve a pass with Distinction.
Rebecca can cater for reasonable adjustments to help you take the exam, but will need 6 weeks’ notice to apply to WSET to get these organised. Contact her on rebecca@therlws.com