Award in Wines
What Will I Learn?

By signing up for this internationally recognised course you will:
Understand the environmental influences and grape-growing options in the vineyard and how these will impact the style and quality of wine.
Understand how winemaking and bottle ageing influence the style and quality of wine
Understand how environmental influences, grape-growing options, winemaking and bottle ageing influence the style and quality of wines made from the principal grape varieties.
Know the style and quality of wines produced from regionally important black and white grape varieties.
Understand how the production process can influence the styles of sparkling and fortified wines
Understand the key principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine, and in the pairing of food and wine.
How Long Is The Course?
The total study time with Rebecca is 16 hours
The course can be taught virtually or in a classroom, with both taught across 8 x 2 hours sessions with Rebecca
You are also expected to undertake private study for an average of 11 hours
The examination is an additional 1 hour
Total qualification time is 28 hours
What Do I need To Bring With Me?
The price of the course includes your tuition with Rebecca, the WSET L2 Award in Wines Study Pack, and a fully invigilated Exam, either virtual or in class.
A WSET Certificate and Pin is also awarded to those who pass the exam
You're required to bring you study pack for each session, whether virtual or classroom
Virtual students should bring 2 wines to each session, recommended in advance by Rebecca. She can also organise The RLWS recommended 12 bottle case for £165 from The Wine Reserve
How Do I Take The Exam?
Your course includes either a classroom based or a digital exam. The exam, in either form, lasts 60 minutes in which you are required to answer 50 multiple choice questions.
The digital exam can be taken from home (working smart phone, computer with webcam and strong internet with no interruptions is required). Please speak to Rebecca if you prefer a paper examination.
The pass mark is 55%
Rebecca can cater for reasonable requests for home exams, but will need 6 weeks notice to apply to WSET to get these organised. Contact her on rebecca@rebeccalamontwineschool.com to arrange.