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Myrto Drosopoulou: When in Athens.....

If you are visiting Athens, then you will need to make to make a note of Myrto's recommendations of the best places to go for your food and vinous pleasures...

First of all, let me introduce you to Myrto Drosopoulou, if you have not met her already. Myrto graduated from TheRLWS L3 well over a year ago in the middle of lockdown and studied in the Revelling Levellers Group in Autumn 2021. She is a dedicated student (now studying L4), lots of fun, has an incredible love and passion for wine, loves learning and is the font of all knowledge and especially when it comes to Greek wine. Very soon in the class it became apparent that Myrto’s opinion was sought by the whole group and we were always ask her for tips of where to go. It became clear she has great taste and has spent a lifetime visiting not just the best classic places on the well-trodden map of epicurean utopia, but also the most innovative, interesting, authentic, and cutting-edge places eateries and wine stops to experience in London and in Athens.

Simon and I love visiting Athens. We tend to spend an evening there before heading off to our (current) favourite island, Hydra. When in Athens we yearn to catch a glimpse, (whether day or night) of the Acropolis. We are enchanted when we gaze in its direction and lose breath and a heartbeat, getting goosebumps every time, we catch another glimpse. It’s so graceful and beautiful and we become hushed and mindful in that moment. Nestled below and around is Plaka, the oldest and most beautiful neighbourhood in Athens. It incorporates a labyrinthine of streets and neoclassical architecture clustered around the slopes of the Acropolis. Apparently, Plaka is built on top of the residential part of ancient Athens. So of course, we just had to ask Myrto where is best to have good food and wine and an authentic experience.

Here are Myrto’s recommendations when visiting the Plaka and other neighbourhoods in Athens:

Giasemi is lovely for a traditional dessert and a drink

Yiasemi cafe bistrot | Πλάκα, Αθήνα If you are looking for a traditional experience try Cafe Avyssinia closer to Monastiraki

Cafe Avissinia, Authentic Athenian Bistro Papadakis in Plaka is very nice too 😊

Papadakis Restaurant – By Argiro Barbarigou Mani Mani is one of my favourites!

MANHMANH – Taste Modern Tradition ( Cherchez la femme - very authentic despite the name!

Home page - Cherchez La Femme For wine I’d recommend Heterocliton

Wine by the Glass is great at Warehouse and Materia Prima! More Restaurants to consider that I really like:

Annie’s Fine cooking

CTC (1 Michelin star)

Delta (2 Michelin stars)

Wine bars:

Tannini agapi mou

Wine is fine

La Cigale

If you wish to buy Greek wines in UK here are my go-tos:

The best one by far is an online shop called Kudos Wines Buy Greek Wines - Home • Kudos Wines.

Otherwise, Maltby & Greek (London & online) Maltby&Greek ( has a fairly good selection!



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