1. What is your wine mission?
To make each year wines whose precision, finesse, complexity, elegance and harmony fully express our terroir and make each tasting a moment of incomparable emotion
2. Next big thing in wine?
The wine world will undergo many revolutions: coping with climate change, welcoming the first robots, exploring new boundaries with regards to retail techniques, evolving our marketing and communication methods… This is going to be fascinating.
3. Your ‘go to’ glass after a hard day?
A glass of Barsac or Sauternes, but a preference for Barsac...
4. Music paradise?
The playlist from when we were 20!
5. Preferred colour?
Red Bordeaux, symbol of power and silkiness, confidence and desire...
6. Favourite film?
It’s a wonderful life (F. Capra)
7. Fondest vintage?
I love them all, the great ones for their exceptional character, the less obvious vintages for the dedication and hard work they have generated and the recognition they have subsequently brought.
8. Oak or stainless steel?
Concrete, stainless steel and oak !
9. Best place to eat?
At the private table of Château Haut-Bailly, which exists for almost fifteen years and is a concentrate of the French art of living. And after dinner, you can stay at our Private Residence, Château Le Pape...
10. Food and wine matching purgatory?
Asparagus and red wine.
11. Guilty food and wine match?
Coquillettes with truffles, ham and parmesan cream on an old vintage of Haut-Bailly.
12. Favourite wine writer (apart from yourself)?
Any professional or individual who dares to share their tasting emotions with us…
13. Wine ‘fad’ irritation?
All the wines that are not clean/pure and make the new generations believe that the defects are normal... Educating the taste of others is a responsibility.
14. Most delicious cheese?
The cheese that goes best with Haut-Bailly's wines is Saint Nectaire for its creaminess that blends perfectly with the silky tannins of our wines.
15. Inspiring novel?
Perfume from Patrick Süskind
16. Damascene wine moment?
When you taste a very old wine (a century old) which may seem tired at first but which reveals itself fully a few minutes later on aeration. It is a special and unique magic moment to see the spirit of the good Genie coming out of the bottle. These great wines must always be given time to fully express themselves...
17. Most beautiful vineyard in the world?
Wherever there are vines, there is civilisation. The architecture of a vineyard landscape is almost a reference to design... When you enter the permanent exhibition at the Cité du Vin, films showing all the wine regions of the world take your breath away - I can watch them for hours! But of course I love more than anything else our land of Haut-Bailly for its beauty, its timelessness, its imposing aspect, its lights, its smells... ☺
18. Ideal last sip?
A very fine Port
19. Next place to visit?
All the vineyards of France that I don't know yet...
20. Best advice?
Stay true to yourself
