1. What is your wine mission?
To enjoy it! And try to remember what it was so I can buy it again.
2. Next big thing in wine?
English wine is upcoming, some of what I’ve tried lately has been outstanding
3. Your ‘go to’ glass after a hard day?
Usually a good hearty red, a Malbec or Shiraz
4. Music paradise?
Anything uplifting, Lake Street Dive are current favourites
5. Preferred colour?
Red (not just in wine!)
6. Favourite film?
True Romance
7. Fondest vintage?
8. Oak or stainless steel?
9. Best place to eat?
Current favourite is Sussex on Frith Street, Soho
10. Food and wine matching purgatory?
Big tannic wines very difficult to pair!
11. Guilty food and wine match?
Triple cream cheese and Rosé
12. Favourite wine writer (apart from yourself)?
Joe Fattorini
13. Wine ‘fad’ irritation?
Orange wine – I just don’t get it!
14. Most delicious cheese?
A classic Swiss Gruyere
15. Inspiring novel?
A Secret History, Donna Tartt
16. Damascene wine moment?
The first time I tried oaked Chardonnay from the New World, opened my eyes to what Chardonnay could be like.
17. Most beautiful vineyard in the world?
Feathertop Winery, Australia
18. Ideal last sip?
19. Next place to visit?
20. Best advice?
As my Dad always says: B your own person